ozge's blog
10 Haziran 2013 Pazartesi
Comments on My Friends' Journals
Article Reflections; http://bayraktarayla.blogspot.com/2013/04/article-reflection-good-friends-in.html?showComment=1370858737786#c205958463...
1 Mayıs 2013 Çarşamba
Third Journal of Second Term
In this journal I want to talk about “the Raven”, the most important poem by Edgar Allan Poe, through stating some significant points ...
29 Nisan 2013 Pazartesi
Second Article Reflection of Second Term
In the article titled "Supersize Me", the writer argues whether overweight people should be blamed for their size or not ...
2 yorum:
Second Journal of Second Term
In this journal, I want to talk about “The Lottery”, one of my favorite short stories which I met last semester, and handle it in te...
2 yorum:
First Article Reflection of Second Term
In the article titled “At Home with Mamma”, the writer states that many young Italian men has the pleasure of living with their mother...
1 yorum:
19 Mart 2013 Salı
First Journal of Second Term
In this journal, I will introduce you the film “Iron Jawed Angels”. I chose this American drama because of its historical and rea...
27 Ocak 2013 Pazar
A university should have two main characteristics to be an “ideal” university. Firstly, an ideal university should provide the conditions ...
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