22 Ocak 2013 Salı

JOURNAL 7 (video reflection-II)


        Unemployment mostly affects health status of an individual psychologically and physically. Firstly, being unable to earn enough money to meet basic needs has negative effects on psychology of individuals. For example, they may have some disorders such as loss of self-esteem, anxiety and mental stress, which leads to depression. According to the researches, having low or no self-esteem, which means losing self-reliance and ignoring one’s own worth, feeling insignificant, has much stronger effect on being prone to depression than the other causes. In addition, as a result of psychological exhaustion, increase in ratio of suicide is seen inevitably. For example, according to a study conducted by Dr. M. Brenner in 1979, for every 10% increase in the number of unemployed there are 1.7% more suicides. This situation shows that the more people struggle with
unemployment, the more suicidal they become. Secondly, unemployment also has negative impacts on physical health of individuals, which includes malnutrition and diseases resulting from stress. As a result of unemployment, people cannot purchase sufficient amount of nutritious food such as milk, meat, poultry and fruit because of high prices. In other words, unemployed individuals cannot keep balanced diet with certain nutrients, so they suffer from malnutrition and even various diseases such as protein, vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies, especially vitamin B12 deficiency, throughout their lives. In addition to the disorders resulting from inadequate nutrition, these people may struggle with diseases triggered by stress. In other words, our bodies respond by means of dysfunctions to being under psychological pressure. Cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal disorders can exemplify these kind of diseases. In conclusion, unemployment and job-loss stress have detrimental effects on individuals’ state of health, which triggers psychological disorders and various diseases in the long term.

This video is from an American television program, "The Early Show". In this part, link between long-term employment and stress subject is discussed through contributions about issue of Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Hartstein. I chose this video because it not only addresses health problems arising from unemployment as I mentioned before but also emphasizes that relationships are impacted due to being jobless for a long time. In the video, this situation is veryfied by means of an interview and results of some surveys. Bill Siegel, unemployed since 2008, is interviewed about his divorcement and his financial problems. I think that his story is a striking example for the discussed subject. Furthermore, throughout the program, a lot of surveys and researches conducted in USA and their results are mentioned through percentages, which develops the content of the issue. In conclusion, in my opinion, the video has to be watched to have information about the impact of unemployment on health and social status because it enlightens the subject with scientific data and research results in an informative way.

1 yorum:

  1. Dear Özge,
    Firstly, I should say that you tell us about a well-known fact but you inform us about the interesting and unknown facts, as well. I liked your point of view. You have a simple but effective style of expression. Also, the video you chose is very informative and suitable to subject. That you give place to scientific information and data is also good. There is almost no grammar mistake but in my opinion, it is better if you say "the relationships are affected" instead of "the realationships are impact". Good work. Thank you.
